Characteristics of the EPPE Project Sample at Entry to the Study: Technical Paper 2
by Sammons, Pam Pam Sammons, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Brenda Taggart, Rebecca Smees, Anne Dobson, Marjorie Jeavons, Katie Lewis, Maria Morahan, Sharon Sadler,
Characteristics of the EPPE Project Sample at Entry to the Study: Technical Paper 2
by Sammons, Pam Pam Sammons, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Brenda Taggart, Rebecca Smees, Anne Dobson, Marjorie Jeavons, Katie Lewis, Maria Morahan, Sharon Sadler,
ISBN 13: 9780854735921
Format: paperback
Publisher: Institute of Education
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